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See how students connect the dots.


Welcome. We’re CognectEd. We help students and educators assess learning more accurately. We do this by visualizing grades into an interactive model showing relationship based understanding between concepts. No longer just grades, but see the strength and weaknesses of connections, and where students form clusters and gaps of learning.

CognectEd is an app that works with Canvas, the most widely used learning management system used by schools. It works by reading assignment descriptions, creating a node anytime keywords (e.g core concepts or vocabulary) are identified. Links between nodes form when keywords are mentioned together and across assignments.

As teachers assign grades as they already do, a performance map in the form of a network emerges, making a unique shape based off of how the whole class and/or individual students score. The larger and closer together keywords are, the better the independent and relational understanding of the concepts being taught.


By doing this, teachers save time on reteaching concepts through targeting how and where students make sense of concepts in relation to one another.


Already Use Canvas? Connect with the CognectEd App to see your classes and student's unique performance maps!

We need early adopters to help us! 

If you use Canvas in any setting, you can freely access the CognectEd app for a limited time! We are looking for beta testers to continuous test and refine the program. Sign up now to give us feedback and keep using CongectEd for free. Early adopters can then lock in discounted prices for as long as they use the app.


Help us build the future of how we measure our students.

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